event photography update is a event of ceremonial community like too much of photography event presented by label community with theme that their create with group and give appointment member to follow their event with fee or free.
every week or month celebrate event of photography in malang city indonesia, purpose bring the community famous that event help by mua ( make up artist ) and wardrobe ( provide wear that make by talent ) and another supported by camera and lens store second hand and new, like gudangkamera malang. warunggadget malang city, dimensi camera malang, and other camera store
Community photographer in malang city :
MJJ ( malag jepret jepret with member more than 10.000 ) by baiu s ramadhan
KFI Regional malang, is a community of photography that handle by djava.this community is easy to share, no different between senior and junior, they are same to learn together on photography
MPMF is a community of moslem photography model and fashion, his community bring model just moslem fashion only as a subject, one of one famous leader is aditya firmansyah
for beginner photographer who wanna learn of photography can join one or more community to learn together and discus with workshop after event and meet a new friend there.